Olimpiada.ru helps schoolchildren, their parents, and teachers find academic competitions and take part in them. To make the competitions more appealing for the youth and attract new participants, Bureau Gorbunov has designed a new version of the website.
Olimpiada.ru helps school students, their parents and teachers find academic competitions and take part in them. To make the competitions more appealing for the youth and attract new participants, Bureau Gorbunov has designed a new version of the website.
The important competitions on the home page are accentuated with thematic illustrations.
The home page is constructed manually, as in print media. The editorial team decides what’s important right now, and directs the visitors’ attention there. Bureau Gorbunov has made the guidelines with examples of good page layouts.
The home page is constructed manually, as a real media. The editorial team decides what’s important right now, and directs the visitors’ attention there. Bureau Gorbunov has made the guidelines with examples of good combinations of the page’s layers.
The competitions list includes their schedule.
The competitions list includes their schedule.
A competition page tells how to prepare and participate.
A competition page tells how to prepare and participate.
Illustrations on the competition pages depict school students who run after knowledge. Each school subject has its own illustration, color, and pattern.
The website editorial team writes competitions reviews and announcements, has interviews with participants and organizers. All this is published in the ‘Magazine’ section of the new website. To make the magazine more interesting, the articles are laid out in an irregular grid. Between the layers, there are blocks with articles recommendations.
On the 404 page, a participant doesn’t find anything, but maintains courage.
On the 404 page, a participant doesn’t find anything, but maintains courage.
Artem Gorbunov
Michael Nozik
Konstantin Mozgovoy
Andrei Eres
Alexandra Shabaldina
Kate Nozik
Aleksey Andreev
Anna Voronina
Alexandra Petrova
Nadezhda Pupysheva
Anna Titova
We thank Aleksey Gorbachov for the active participation in the process.