Action‑MCFR gradually updates the design of their publications. To speed up the process, Bureau Gorbunov has designed a universal magazine—a white label template construction kit with elaborate rubrication and arrangement principles. The designer just has to design a theme matching the publication’s topic, mood and style.
The universal magazine includes the key types of content that are used across Action‑MCFR’s publications.
The universal magazine’s covers showcase the idea of variability and offer basic layouts.
Table of contents and ‘The issue in five minutes’:
When making a layout for an actual magazine, it’s allowed to change the grid, colors and fonts, but the structure and the set of key elements stay constant. ‘The issue in five minutes’ in real publications:
Editor’s address, publisher's imprint, half‑title:
Half‑titles in real publications:
Important and large articles begin with a short explanation of the main ideas.
Layout anchors, such as factoids, lift‑outs, boxouts and tables are positioned at the spread’s corners and edges.
For forms, several layouts are made to accomodate for different quantities of text, formats, and sample document’s sizes.
For interviews, the layout can be chosen based on the contents of the photo.
Interview fragments in real publications:
News, facts and quotes make up the ‘Overview’ sections.
News overview with a phrase and number of the month in ‘Company lawyer’.
News overview with a phrase and number of the month in ‘Company lawyer’.
Based on the universal magazine, Bureau Gorbunov has designed layouts for three publications.
Artem Gorbunov
Michael Nozik
Konstantin Mozgovoy